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They're everywhere!

Monday, April 8, 2013

When SocialSnakes started working at the Muleshoe Ranch Preserve in September 2011, we were interested in whether Arizona black rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerberus) den in groups here at the southern and low elevation end of their geographic range.

They do!

Last year we observed at least one Arizona black rattlesnake sharing a den at Muleshoe with several other reptile species (details here), but we still hadn't seen anything like the dens in cooler places (for example).

Until now.

The following video was shot at Boyett's den on 31 March 2013. Looks like we have a winner!

How many rattlesnakes do you see?


list of bleach episodes said...

Wow, nice close ups and videos. We're building a blog on snakes in florida thanks for all the info.

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